
Helping You Get That Perfect Shed

Gable Style Shed

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gable style shedThere are many options for building the right shed but the gable style shed is one of the most common designs built.  It is a perfect shed that combines style with usability.  The gable style shed is an easy build and can be built with many different extras.  This type of shed can be used as an office, storage or even a kids playhouse.

Gable Style Shed – Design

gable style shed with windowsThis shed design is a typical square to rectangular type shed.  The gable refers to the angled pitch roof that is attached to the shed.  It can be built on any shed foundation you decide so check shed foundation options.  Most gable sheds have windows and you can even build window flower boxes to spruce it up.  The door is a typical framed door and not a roll up door or double door.  Before you start make sure whether or not you need a building permit.

Gable Style Shed – Build

Location and Foundation

Start with the location of your shed.  Find the right location and then decide on the foundation.  If it is a concrete pier, then you can level the shed via the concrete block.  However, if it is a gravel or poured concrete foundation, then you will need to level the land and then make the foundation level.

gable style shed frame

Floor, Walls and Roofing

You will then build the floor depending on your shed plans and foundation.  Walls will go up next and make sure you frame the windows if your plan calls for windows.  The shed door will typically be a regular locked door to make it secure.  The roof will be the gable style shed roof and can be covered with many roofing materials.

If you want to make the shed look like your home then you may want shingles.  However, there are other options for shed roofing materials.  You may want a ramp going to your entrance but most likely you will want some nice steps.

Gable Style Shed – Conclusion

The gable style shed is a great shed for any location or home.  It can be customized to be an office, playhouse or a typical shed for storage.  It is a versatile shed and an easy to build shed.  The gable shed can be built to look like your home with the same roofing materials and siding as needed.  Find the right shed plan and get started today.

All the best,


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