
Helping You Get That Perfect Shed

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The Top 6 Reasons To Build A Shed Kit

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The Top 6 Reasons To Build A Shed Kit

There are many reasons to build a shed kit.  First and foremost is that you need a shed.   The types of sheds you can assemble are endless.  You don’t need to be a contractor to build a shed kit.  Shed kits are easy to get and easy to assemble.  The cleanup is a lot easier than building a shed from plans.


1. You Need A Shed?

Let’s face it, you’re inundated with a lot of “stuff “.  You need a place for storage and the garage is too full.  The closets are stuffed and you would like to clean up the house so you need a shed. In addition, the shed is good to store your lawn equipment and your household tools.  Maybe you need a shed for gardening or just a gathering place like a gazebo shed.

gable style shed with windows

Maybe you are a fitness guru and you want to outfit a shed and make it a shed gym or maybe you want a shed to be a man cave?  There are many reasons for a shed and the possibilities are endless.  You just need to decide how you are going to get your shed and what you are going to do with the shed once it is built.

2.  There Are Many Types Of Sheds To Build


The gazebo is a gathering place for the family. It is built a slight distance away from the house, but not too far away.  It should not be too far a walk to get to the gazebo or you won’t use the gazebo.  Most people will use the gazebo as a gathering place when company comes to visit.  It is a good place for a picnic to eat lunch or dinner.  A mid-afternoon tea and taking in the sights of nature is also a great use for a gazebo.

Lawn Shed

The lawn shed is basically a shed to allow one to store their lawn equipment and their landscaping equipment.   This shed should be large enough to store a push mower or a riding lawnmower. It should be big enough to store tools that you will use for your home such as shovels, hoes, rakes, etc.… You may need a ramp for the shed to drive the equipment in and out of the shed.  It will also help with moving heavy objects in and out of the shed.

Lean To Shed.

A lean to shed is a shed that is built primarily near the home for a quick storage option. They can be used primarily for small yard tools.  This type of shed has also been used on patios to store seat cushions and also near swimming pools to store the swimming pool equipment and chairs.


Potting Shed

potting shed windowThe potting shed is primarily used for gardeners and has been used for years. It is primarily used for planting flowers in pots.  However, it can be used for all types of gardening activities.  Some will grow plants from seeds in late winter and early spring to plant in their garden.  This type of shed, if big enough, has also been used as a lawn shed with gardening equipment and tools.


Shed Gym

shed gymA shed gym is a shed that is built primarily for your workouts. There are a lot of people who do not want to go to a gym or purchase a gym membership. They prefer to do their weight-loss efforts at home and a shed gym is a great alternative.  If big enough, it can house the equipment as well as give you ample room to perform your exercises.


Cigar Shed

cigar shedA cigar shed is built primarily for smoking cigars. There are a number of people who have collected very nice cigars but have a difficult time smoking them as they do not want to smoke them in their home. Furthermore, it is difficult to smoke a very nice cigar outside when it is cold as it will not be very enjoyable. Therefore, a number of people have built a cigar shed to enjoy their cigars and have it double as a man cave.


3. You Don’t Need To Be A Contractor

So you made the decision that you need a shed.  The type of shed that you will need as well as it’s purpose is decided. So the next step you need to make is whether not to get a good set of shed plans or get a shed kit.  You are handy with some tools but you are by no means a contractor, so a shed kit may be exactly what you need.

A good set of shed plans and a shed that is built from scratch typically will be more sturdy. It has been our recommendation to build your shed from scratch, but some people will have limited knowledge of how to build a shed from a set of plans.  Others, may not have enough people to help them build from a set of plans or lack the tools to build from plans.

The alternative to this is to get a shed kit. There are many shed kits on the market and most of them can be assembled rather quickly and easily with the help of one or two people.

Most of the framing and flooring will already be assembled and will just have to be attached to one another. The roofing structure will have its dimensions and will be prebuilt so no major calculations are needed for the roof pitch, etc…

4.  A Shed Kit Is Easy To Get

You can look around for shed kits on the Internet. They are also at your local Home Depot.  Amazon has a lot of nice kits and most are quite durable. There are also shed kits that you can purchase that are made by local shed builders.  These kits are typically in your local area and finding one that is reputable is of importance.

gable style shed Furthermore, you may pay a significant charge for shipping, as it is a rather heavy item. So you may want to look at all of your options in regards to delivery and shipping.  Amazon prime will save some money with shipping but other retailers may do the same.

You also want to look at the reviews of the kits that you are purchasing.  If you can contact the dealer by phone or in person you may get all of your questions answered before you purchase.  They can give you an idea of how easy it is to assemble. Some of the local dealers may even assemble the kit for you at your residence.

5. A Shed Kit Is Easy To Assemble 

The typical shed kit will come to your residence prebuilt.  The build will be in almost a Lego type fashion.  However, each kit can be a little different.  So understand what you are purchasing before you purchase your shed kit.

Permits & Foundation

Before you begin your project make sure you get the proper permits for building.  Here is a resource that may help for your permits.  Furthermore, you need to have the right foundation depending on your shed kit.  If the shed is rather large, then you will need a more involved foundation like gravel or concrete.  This will increase the cost so make sure you factor that into the equation.

Video Assembly

In the video below, AdamDIY is assembling a shed kit from Home Depot and has to make a few more board cuts and modifications with the assembly.  However, the assembly is done rather quickly and easily with the right tools.  One main recommendation is the nail gun as it will save time with the assembly.  Freeman makes a nice nail gun with “best of the best” reviews on Amazon.

Another typical shed kit that one can purchase is from a local shed builder.  These are typically more prebuilt and requires more of a Lego type assembly and not as many modifications.

The video I have included is from Shed In A Day.  As you will see the shed is an easier assembly without as much cutting and modifications.   You will need some help separating the parts and then also assembling the pieces together.  However, it is much less work and less modifications than some of the other kits.

6.  Shed Kit Cleanup Is Easier

Because your shed kit came preassembled there is less clean up.  Depending on the kit, you may or may not had to cut some boards.  If you had to cut a lot of boards then there will be a lot of scrap wood to throw away.  The cleanup will not be near as big from a kit as compared to building the shed from a set of plans.

Building from a set of plans will have a lot more lumber to haul away.  This is because of the increased amount of cutting and modifications that have to be done.

The shed kit packaging will need to be cleaned up and most likely you will not need a dumpster.  However, you need to make that decision in your preparation before building.  A good pickup truck and some heavy duty contractor bags may be all that is needed.


If you need a shed and you do not feel capable with building a shed from a shed plan, then a shed kit is a great option.   You will need to make sure you find the right type of shed for your needs.  As noted above, there are many different options depending on the needs for your shed.

Finding the right shed and having it delivered to your home may be expensive, but evaluating your options by different retailers is important.  Some may have free delivery.

Furthermore, each kit has it’s own level of assembly, so do your research.  Make sure you feel comfortable assembling the shed.  The cleanup will much easier than if you built the shed from a set of shed plans.  There will be less lumbar remnants to haul away.

A shed kit is a good and viable alternative depending on your shed needs, so check them out today.

All the best,


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